Tag Archive for: Data protection

Allegedly deleted data on a hard drive came into circulation: Some 12,000 documents, e-mails and passwords were released.

The Swedish fashion house H&M is accused of having sounded out its employees. This also involved sensitive health data.

35,000 euros fine for violation of three Swedish laws at once. Information about creditworthiness published.

In August, the Berlin data protection commissioner had already imposed the highest German fine to date, amounting to 195,407 euros.

EUR 50 000 fine for a serious infringement by the City of Oslo. Over a period of 11 years, patient data was incorrectly processed.

Lufthansa's frequent flyer programme confirms data breakdown. Thousands of users had access to foreign profiles.

No appointment of a data protection officer despite repeated requests. Expensive even for small companies.

1&1 Telecom GmbH has to pay a fine of EUR 9,550,000 for insufficient technical and organisational measures.

Data protection and video surveillance: How can you apply the BVerwG ruling to your practice?

In addition to various data protection violations, one patient was confused when he was admitted to the hospital.